52% of US Consumers Believe Cryptos Are an Important Asset Class: Deutsche Bank

52% of US Consumers Believe Cryptos Are an Important Asset Class: Deutsche Bank

A recent poll conducted by Deutsche Bank among 3,600 US consumers revealed a growing sense of optimism towards cryptocurrency and its potential for future adoption.

The study showed that 52% of respondents believe digital assets will become an important form of remittance transfer in the future, a significant increase from the 40% who held this belief previously.

Only a small fraction of respondents (less than 1%) believed that cryptocurrencies were just a temporary fad that would eventually fade away.

While 33% of respondents expressed a belief that Bitcoin’s price will drop to $20,000 by the end of the year, this group has become smaller compared to January when skeptics made up 36% of the respondents.

On the other hand, only 10% of respondents are confident that Bitcoin’s price will surpass $75,000.