Thailand to Launch a Digital Token Trading Platform
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Thailand plans to create a blockchain-based platform for securities firms to trade debentures using digital tokens.
Jomkwan Kongsakul, the deputy secretary-general of the SEC, believes that this platform will significantly increase efficiency in the local capital market by eliminating current obstacles.
Kongsakul explained that it currently takes up to 14 days to purchase bonds in the primary market before they can be traded in the secondary market, causing inefficiencies.
Additionally, issuers of these bonds have to process large amounts of manual data, leading to delays. To address these issues, the SEC intends to implement new regulations that will allow for the issuance of electronic securities and online purchases of debentures.
The ultimate goal is to fully digitize the local bond trading system, covering all aspects such as settlement, trading, investor registration, and return payments, for both primary and secondary markets.