Resistance Pack: Telegram Illustrator Hits TON NFT Scene With New Collection
New TON NFT collection by legendary Telegram illustrator, with the first NFT smart contracts launched on TON and the first DAO fund on the blockchain.
This TON NFT collection of 10,000 Resistance Pack Dogs takes Durov’s idea of man’s best friend embodying Resistance ideals to the next level — the entire collection was created by the same artist who worked on the first Resistance Dogs with Durov on Telegram. Holding this NFT won’t just be a symbol of supporting freedom, privacy and other democratic values, it will give its owners the opportunity to vote for supporting real-life change as members of the project’s DAO — 30% of the minting profits will be allocated to the DAO fund.
The Resistance Pack is the first project to deploy smart contracts before minting launch, one of the first collections on TON, and the first DAO NFT project. TON NFT contracts are new and offer some challenges, but the dev team already conducted all minting tests with no issues, weeks ahead of public sale launching. The smart contract has already been published to offer the TON community and auditors a chance to read it, study it and even use it as a basis for other projects.
The project is already active on social media, and you can follow the Resistance Pack on Twitter or join their Discord and Telegram communities to stay up to date with news about project developments like smart contracts being deployed.
An homage to Telegram and TON founder Durov is far from the only reason to choose this blockchain right now. TON is just launching its NFT contract and is expected to experience yet another surge, as well as steadily predicted growth for the next 10 years. The Resistance Pack aims to forward the true DeFi spirit of TON and develop its infrastructure to make these predictions a reality for its investors, attracting the attention TON deserves.
The project team believes in letting the people decide. That’s why the project’s Roadmap currently stops at launching the DAO — after that, the NFT holders decide where the project goes. Each DAO member will be able to forward a motion to develop the project, allocate DAO funds towards investment opportunities, TON ecosystem development, and causes supporting Resistance ideals in real life. Ownership of just one NFT will give its holder a voice and a vote, making them part of the decision-making process.
Eastern Europe, home of the founders of TON, Telegram, and the Resistance Pack team, is engulfed in a humanitarian crisis that already exploded into the biggest internal European migration wave in this century. That’s why, in addition to focusing on TON investments and growing the TON ecosystem, the Resistance Pack will allocate funds to help professionals relocate safely and without losing financial independence, starting with IT & Digital — the team’s own area of expertise.
The Pack believes that people who are forced to leave their homes should be able to keep their jobs or easily find new opportunities — financially independent migrants keep businesses running, support global economies by spending their earned money anywhere they live, don’t drain welfare resources, and don’t pull out their crypto investments out of the market. And a DAO focused on people like this can offer them support regardless of where they work or where they come from.
The Resistance Pack is led by a strong team with years of experience in crypto and scores of successful projects behind them. Development is handled by X-Technology, and what they’ll be developing for the project after minting is over, and the DAO is launched will be up to the voters — a unique opportunity for both experienced investors and NFT newbies.
The Whitelist is already open, and it’s always better to come on board early with a hot project. And this is not a project to miss, the TON community is already 1 million strong, there are just 10 000 Resistance Pack NFTs and not many other TON NFT collections, with those odds they will go fast.